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Dobermann is a breed that was developed in Germany as a guard dog in the 19th century.

It is one of the smartest breeds in the dog world, ranking 5th in the intelligence rankings.


This breed is large, compact and athletic, excellent for work and with great capacities, super intelligent, affectionate and very protective of its family.


In the FCI groups it is in Group 2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer type, and the only colors recognized as standard are black and brown.

These dogs need a lot of physical as well as mental exercise, it would be ideal and mandatory for us that future tutors of our puppies dedicate time to their dogs exercising with them in some way providing mental and physical stimulation to keep a Dobermann a balanced and healthy dog. .

For all those interested in this breed or in acquiring a dog of ours, we advise you to research and learn about the breed to find out what you need to have one or if it really is a dog that suits the owners' lifestyle and what these dogs need. to be happy dogs.

Dobermann Breed Standard

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